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Key Points

  • A collection is a data structure that allows for storing individual data objects (typically defined by individual classes) and that provides access and modification operations.
  • Dart has built-in support for list, set, and map collections.
    • Lists are array-like data structures and provide an index for accessing its elements
    • Sets behave like mathematical sets and are defined by curly brackets ({}).
    • Maps are a key-value-based data structure where each item can be accessed by a unique key.
  • Lists use zero-based indexing, where 0 is the index of the first value and list.length - 1 is the index of the last value.
  • A typed list is the common way in Dart/Flutter for storing individual data objects (e.g. shopping cart items) in form of a collection.
  • The syntactical structure is very easy: List<Type>
  • Dart tries to infer the type of the items stored in lists if no type is given. This proces is called type inference.
  • Store the class definitions for the individual objects in a separate model folder in the lib directory of your flutter project.
  • Use the dart:collection library for more sophisticated implementations of different collection types.

Recommended Learning Resources

How to create a list that stores different types of items

  • Use an abstract class for defining the overall structure of the widget (e.g. a list item)
  • The abstract class defines the methods that need to be implemented by the concrete widgets to be displayed in a list (e.g. title and subtitle of a list item)
  • For each different list item type, create an individual class that implements the abstract list item class
  • Store the different list items (types) in a List<ListItem> collection
  • ListView.builder() constructor converts each list item (e.g. ListItem) into a widget